Social Programs

As for today social support and charity have become an essential part of corporate culture of the Company.

The priority of the company social policy is development and realization of various social programs. Each of these programs is directed to support a specific social group of employees: rendering financial aid to employees, the program of health improvement of employees and their families, rendering assistance in consumer crediting.

Professional associations

The company co-operates with trade unions which represent interests of employees of the enterprises, and provide social support to pensioners, invalids, veterans of the Second World War and labor, former employees of the enterprise.

Health protection

Annually all employees attend a medical examination; newly hired employees are examined too. By results of these examinations and disease analyses the long-term and annual programs were developed directed to support and strengthen the employees’ health, including preventive vaccination and sanatorium treatment. For these purposes sanatorium-preventorium "Energetic", rest house "Energetic" and children’s holiday camp "Elektronic" are available in Pavlodar.
Additionally physical training and health improving activities are held as well as tournaments on popular sports are arranged among the branches’ teams. The winners are awarded with prizes and gifts.

Material aid to employees

The company renders material aid to employees in case of force-majeure circumstances. Large families and families having children-invalids are paid allowances by the beginning of academic year.

Assistance in lending

In the Company at the expense of financial sector the programs of consumer crediting for employees under a guarantee of legal entity are realized.
Crediting terms are more favorable than in other second-tier banks. Furthermore the program provides soft terms (minimum period of registration and set of documents, decreased interest rate of bank repayment, and possibility of early repayment without penalties).

Pension coverage

Besides obligatory pension payments at a rate of 10 % of an employee’s wage the company provides additional payments at a rate of 5 % to personal accounts of employees at the expense of the employer. Monthly additional pension payments allow providing with additional resources when employees quit their job. A lamp-sum allowance is paid to an employee in case of cancellation of an employment agreement at his/her own wish and in case of retirement.

Improvement of educational level of the company employees  

The company creates all necessary conditions for the personnel training: technical re-training, improvement of professional skills. The training is held both in own educational centers for training and qualification improvement of employees and in other cities of Kazakhstan and Russia. All costs or training are covered by the employer. For the purpose of educational level improvement, the program has been developed providing benefits for the employees who are getting specialized secondary education or higher education by correspondence courses. The program stipulates granting of loans for training payment, payment of educational leave at a rate of 100 % of an average wage, compensation of round trip costs if the educational institution is outside the city, payment of bonuses for successful graduation from the educational institutions.

Corporate publication  

For the purpose of informing the enterprises’ employees about the events taken place in the Company,  region and country, about personal achievements and exchange of helpful information the corporate newspapers are published:  "Energetik"  in Pavlodar and «Energetik of Northern Kazakhstan» in Petropavlovsk which are issued once a month. On pages of these editions the materials of information-analytical character, reporting from company’s subsidiaries, interviews with heads of the company’s subsidiaries, articles about people working for the Company and its veterans and events in the energy market and etc. are published.