Net profit of Central-Asian power-energy company JSC (CAPEC JSC) in I half-year amounted to 6,091 bln KZT (current - 341.2 / $ 1), which is 2.2 times more than compared to the same period of 2015.
Profit before tax in the reporting period increased by 1.8 times and amounted to 7.659 bln KZT, gross profit - by 28.8% to 16.664 bln KZT, revenues - by 11.3% to 63.092 bln KZT. The company's assets since the beginning of this year decreased by 0.8% to 317.562 bln KZT, liabilities - decreased by 4.8% to 173.45 bln KZT, equity capital, by contrast, grew by 4.4% - up to 144.111 bln KZT, registered capital has not changed and amounted to 17.022 bln KZT.